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Why Vitamin Injections Are Superior to Oral Supplements

Years ago, a trusted consumer watchdog company performed a thorough analysis that looked into the purity and potency of at least 1,600 oral supplements. Of all the tested products, 25% were proven to be sub potent and/or contaminated. Because the FDA is has no responsibility over oral vitamin supplements, manufacturers are left on their own as to the quality of such products. On the other hand, vitamin Injections are made of ingredients that have passed the toughest United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary (USP-NF) verification requirements.

Below are the particular advantages of vitamin injections:

Absorption Efficiency and Bioavailability

Before oral supplements take effect, they must first be digested, distributed by the blood around the body, and finally, absorbed by the tissues. Furthermore, low quality nutrients and cheap fillers can bring down the bio-availability (the percentage of the supplement that is actually used by the body) of supplements, significantly minimizing intestinal absorption, which results in indeterminate levels of the active ingredients actually getting into the bloodstream. Vitamin Injections, however, deliver the nutrients straight into the body’s tissues, promising total – as in 100% – absorption and on-the-spot utilization of the active ingredients.

First-Pass Metabolism Skipped

After they are absorbed into the digestive system, oral supplements are metabolized by gastrointestinal tissues and the liver before being released into the blood so they could be distributed around the body. This is known as first-pass metabolism, which greatly reduces the amount of active ingredients that will actually be available to the body. In contrast, vitamin injections do not get the first-pass effect because they go straight into the blood and systemic circulation.

Quick Effects

The route that oral supplements go through prior to reaching the bloodstream, as discussed in the previous paragraph, can take hours before the tissues can absorb the active ingredients. Compared to oral supplements, injectables are able to correct dietary deficiencies so much faster.

Less Frequent Dosing

Because of their low bioavailability and the long metabolic process they need to undergo, oral supplements have to be dosed frequently in order to be effective. Since they do not have to go through the same process, vitamin injections are absorbed completely, which means the concentration of nutrients reaching the tissues is greater. As well, intramuscular injections have a depot effect, where which the supplements’ active ingredients are released slowly but steadily within a period of time. Hence, compared to oral supplements, injectables need less frequent dosing.


As opposed to oral dietary supplements, vitamin injections have the highest quality ingredients at the right potencies and without without contaminants or fillers. Following administration, their active ingredients are automatically and fully absorbed by the bloodstream and into the tissues, immediately correcting nutritional deficiencies. And because of the depot effect and the higher amount of nutrients that end up utilized by the target tissues, less frequent dosing is necessary.

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