Kratom Laws Around the World

If you are a Kratom fan, you should know the legal conditions surrounding this majestic tree and its leaves. The methods each state or country uses to regulate this unique evergreen depends on where you are. When you head to Europe, you need to know each country’s laws and expectations, and if you live and travel in the United States, several states and counties have bans or restrictions. 

There are also different stipulations if you are staying in one place, traveling across the state or country lines, or processing Kratom yourself. Here are some broad strokes about the regulations and laws in some areas close to home and some farther-flung. 

If you’re making an itinerary for a trip sometime soon, check the laws and regulations of every country (or state) you’ll be traveling through before you do. 

Laws in Southeast Asia

Kratom is legal in most states and countries worldwide, …