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Prevent Serious Eye Conditions with These Simple Steps

While every part of our body works together for us to live comfortably, our vision is definitely one of the most important. There are a lot of problems associated with degrading eye health, but you can avoid them with proper eye care. These are simple steps that you can easily incorporate in your daily lives without needing to go out of your way. However, not everyone is equipped with the knowledge on how to take care of their eyes, and so many are careless when it comes to proper eye health. You can take the necessary precautions right now so you’ll have to deal with fewer issues as you get older.

Always wear sunglasses
Many have told you not to look at the sun because it can severely impair your vision, but did you know that it can still cause damage even if you’re not looking directly at it? UV rays are abound, which can cause a lot of damage such as cataracts, skin cancer, and more. But you can shield your eyes from harmful rays using sunglasses that can completely block UVA and UVB light. This means that you have to buy a good pair, not the cheap $5 kind. You only have to buy one pair of effective sunglasses that you can wear whenever you’re outside, which will give you the perk of preventing the onset of wrinkles.

Avoid touching your eyes
Your hands carry a lot of germs and dirt that you may not see, and these can easily be transferred to your eyes. This can cause infection, which can cause long-term effects to your vision. A more serious issue may be a damaged cornea that can easily be scratched by rubbing your eyes. If your eyes are itchy, you can instead use cold compress, eye drops. You should also get to the root cause of itchiness, which may be allergies or conjunctivis.

Drink a lot of water
Hydration is not only for the body, it’s also for the eyes. Drinking water can keep your vision clear through the tears that your eyes produce, so be mindful of how many glasses you drink a day if you experience dry eyes.

Be aware of eye strain
We spend a good amount of hours in our daily life looking at our phones, laptop, or TV. This can cause stress to our eyes, so it’s recommended to take a break every now and then. To prevent eye strain, simply follow the 20-20-20 rule, which dictates that you take a break every 20 minutes to look at anything that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Be on the lookout for changes in your vision
Having regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist doesn’t hurt, which will also help you detect conditions early. You can prevent conditions from getting serious if you receive the proper eye care that you need at the onset.

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